The brainstorming

The Brainstorming

I have learned about Brainstorming which is mean,the process for generating creativity ideas and solution through intensive and freewhelling group discussion.

The brainstorming have advantages,are the creative thinking is encourages.When you throw a group of people together with a problem.In addition,all ideas are accept will offered up in a brainstorming session are never wrong.Lastly,everyone is part of the team can enable all members of the group to feel like part of the team

The limitation of brainstorming are it only works when everyone in the room has something to say.Then,the group also may take long time to get solution without strict control or leader present.Futhermore,the group with large members will not effective is also the limited.Finally,the people in the group with high emotion are not allowed to protected from being emotional person.

So,this is the example of brainstorming based of the picture:


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